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Essay "My Self"



Hallo...happy readers. Sebelumnya, Analisa Muya sudah berbagi tentang Apa itu "essay", strukturnya bagaimana dan langkah-langkah membuatnya bagaimana. Nah, Berikut ini adalah contoh essay "My Self". Happy readers.., sangat bisa mengembangkan dari contoh sederhana ini, bisa untuk tugas di sekolah ataupun bisa persiapan untuk wawancara ketika diminta menggunakan bahasa Inggris.   

                                                                    My Self

My name is Muya. I am studying at the State University of Malang. I would like to describe and explain more about myself. This paper will be divided into three main parts: my hometown, my study, and my plan.

Firstly about my home town. Kediri is the third big city in east java. Kediri city has a famous name which is well known as “Kota Tahu”. Traditional cuisines of kediri are stick tahu, gethuk pisang, nasi pecel, and nasi tumpang. Tourism places of kediri are Simpang Lima Gumul (SLG), Selomangkleng Cave, Kelud Mountain, Dolo Waterfall, Gumul Paradise Island, and Ubalan. I give you some information about tourism places. One of the tourism places of Kediri is Simpang Lima Gumul (SLG) which is like a building in Paris. A lot of people visit there. The visitors usually take a picture and spent spare time on the weekend. Dolo waterfall is located in Jugo Village and is 25 kilometers from the center city of Kediri. The height of the Dolo waterfall is 800 m from the sea surface. Gumul Paradise Island is located west of Simpang Lima Gumul. A lot of families favorite the place for a spent time of the weekend. And then Ubalan is only one of jungle protection in Kediri city.

Secondly about my study. I still study at the university state of Malang. My major is physics. In university, I join some organizations which are scout organization, Al-Qur’an Study Club (ASC), Tim Soal Fisika in my major which we to make questions for the national olympiad for junior high school and senior high school, and now, I focus to join Materials Science Club (MSC).

Lastly about my plan. I will continue my study for a master's degree. I hope I can get a scholarship for a master's degree. I will take a major in material sciences at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. I want to be a lecture in my country. And I will give knowledge to my students and I hope my knowledge and my experiences from study abroad, can change Indonesia to be a great country in the world.

Those are stories about my life, especially about my study, my environment, and my plan. I hope I can give benefit many people and my environment. Because the best among us is beneficial of us. And the motto of my life is “nothing effort which is useless and always pray for about our life and future life.  


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